ASTM F1552

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Standard Practice for Training Instructor Qualification and Certification Eligibility of Emergency Medical Dispatchers

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ASTM 06/01/2016 5
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ASTM F1552 – Standard Practice for Training Instructor Qualification and Certification Eligibility of Emergency Medical Dispatchers

1.1 This practice covers the training structure and primary function of emergency medical dispatchers. The primary function of the emergency medical dispatcher is the management of calls for emergency medical assistance as outlined in Practice F1258 and NAEMSP Position Paper on emergency medical dispatch. Training as an emergency medical technician, paramedic, nurse, physician, or basic telecommunicator does not prepare a person to function as an EMD. The emergency medical dispatching functions have become so specialized that only an individual with dispatch specific medical training can perform the required tasks. This practice will delineate the training structure for the essential role of emergency medical dispatcher.

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