ASTM F1625

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Standard Specification and Test Method for Rear-Mounted Bicycle Child Carriers

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ASTM 04/01/2018 5
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ASTM F1625 – Standard Specification and Test Method for Rear-Mounted Bicycle Child Carriers

1.1 This specification covers child carriers that mount to the rear of bicycles in order to transport children or accessory loads with a maximum weight of 18 kg (40 lb). This specification does not apply to child carriers that mount in front of the handlebars, or to the top tube, head tube, or behind the handlebars in front of the rider.

Note 1: In the instructions, the manufacturer must warn the rider that a load added to the bicycle will lessen the stability and alter the riding characteristics of the bicycle. This complication is particularly important when riding with children who are near the high end of the weight range.

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