ASTM F3306

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $29.00.

Standard Test Method for Ion Release Evaluation of Medical Implants

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ASTM 02/01/2019 6
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ASTM F3306 – Standard Test Method for Ion Release Evaluation of Medical Implants

1.1 This test method assesses metal or other ions released from single-use, metallic, implantable medical devices, or components thereof, by exposing the device to solutions simulating the in-vivo environment and temperature in a container for a predetermined time frame with regular sampling at adequate intervals. Examples of device types that may be evaluated by this test method include, but are not limited to: cardiovascular devices, endovascular devices, and orthopedic implants. Devices which are to be partially implanted, but in long-term contact within the body (such as external fixation devices) may also be evaluated using this method.

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