BS 7825-3.8

Original price was: $172.72.Current price is: $104.00.

Calibration of rubber and plastics test equipment. Calibration schedules. Degradation and environmental properties

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 06/15/1998 30
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BS 7825-3.8 – Calibration of rubber and plastics test equipment. Calibration schedules. Degradation and environmental properties

Provides schedules for the calibration of a range of equipment and apparatus used for measuring the degenerative and environmental resistance properties of plastics and rubber materials.

Cross References:
BS 903:Part A2
BS 903:Part A16:1990
BS 903:Part A19:1986
BS 903:Part A26
BS 903:Part A30:1996
BS 903:Part A33:1988
BS 903:Part A43:1990
BS 903:Part A44:1995
BS 903:Part A52:1986
BS 2782:Part 1:Method 135:1993
BS 2782:Part 4:Method 465A and 465B:1979
BS 2782:Method 465C:1990
BS 2782:Part 8:Method 821A:1979
BS 2782:Method 830A:1986
BS 2782:Method 833A to 833C:1993
BS 4778
BS 5214:Part 1
BS 5233:1986
BS 6900
BS 7164:Part 3
BS 7164:Part 14
PD 6461:Part 1:1995
BS EN 30012-1:1994
BS EN ISO 846:1997
BS EN ISO 899-2:1997
BS EN ISO 4599:1997
BS ISO 1110:1995
ISO 483
ISO 1431-3
ISO 2230:1973
ISO 4577:1983
ISO 4649:1995
IEC 296

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 270 KB
Product Code(s):
01376460, 01376460, 01376460
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