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Clinical Laboratory Waste Management; Approved Guideline-Third Edition, GP05A3

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
CLSI 01/01/2011 88
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CLSI GP05-A3 – Clinical Laboratory Waste Management; Approved Guideline-Third Edition, GP05A3

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document GP05-A3 – Clinical Laboratory Waste Management; ApprovedGuideline – Third Edition was written for use by laboratory managers and is intended to provide approaches to controllinglaboratory-generated hazardous and nonhazardous waste. A brief summary of the relevant US federal regulations and laws isincluded. The types of waste addressed include chemical, infectious, radioactive, sharps, multihazardous, and nonhazardous. Inthis edition, emphasis is placed on methods for avoiding waste generation (source reduction), and reducing the volume andtoxicity of unavoidable wastes (waste minimization). Options for handling, packaging, labeling, storing, recycling, transporting,treating, and disposing of each type of waste are also described. Although this document will serve as a useful resource for awider audience, it is based on US regulations and is intended for use primarily in the United States.

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